An enhanced tensorial formulation for elastic degradation in micropolar continua
An enhanced tensorial formulation for elastic degradation in micropolar continua
Lapo Gori, Samuel Silva Penna, Roque Luiz da Silva Pitangueira
Applied Mathematical Modelling , v. 41 , p. 299-315 , 2017
Resumo (em inglês)
In the past, a lot of applications of the micropolar (or Cosserat) continuum theory have been proposed, especially in the field of granular materials analysis and for strain localization problems in elasto-plasticity, due to its regularization properties. In order to make possible the application of the micropolar theory to different constitutive models and to extend its regularization properties also to damage models, in this work a general formulation for elastic degradation based on the micropolar theory is proposed. Such formulation is presented in a unified format, able to enclose different kinds of elasto-plastic, elastic-degrading and damage constitutive models. A peculiar tensor-based representation is introduced, in order to guarantee the conformity with analogous theories based on the classic continuum, in such a way as to make possible the application to the micropolar theory of theoretical and numerical resources already defined for the classic theory. Peculiar micropolar scalar damage models are also proposed, and derived within the new general formulation.